Environmental Studies

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Under the aspect of environmental studies, we make expert statements on different thematic focus points that are part of the approval procedures to be carried out:

The environmental assessment in the context of plant planning for production of renewable energies is a statutory procedure. The subject is hereby all the protected environmental resources:
Insbesondere für Windkraftanlagen kann nach den Bestimmungen des UVP-Gesetzes eine Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung notwendig werden. Die Entscheidungskriterien ob und in welchem Umfang sind im UVP-Gesetz geregelt.
Als Grundlage ist seitens des Vorhabenträgers eine Umweltverträglichkeitsstudie vorzulegen, welche zu allen der oben genannten Schutzgüter Aussagen enthält.
Grundlage hierzu ist eine standortbezogene Bestandsaufnahme zu den einzelnen Schutzgütern. Anschließend werden die Auswirkungen auf die einzelnen Schutzgüter durch das Vorhaben ermittelt.
Während die Einflüsse eines Projektes zur Gewinnung regenerativer Energie auf die Schutzgüter Boden, Wasser, Klima und Luft sich meist in engen Grenzen bewegen, sind in Bezug auf die weiteren genannten umfangreiche Untersuchungen, teilweise über einen längeren Zeitraum notwendig. g
As part of this, studies of the effect on the avifauna (breeding, migratory and resting birds), on bats and, if necessary, other species (e.g. amphibians and reptiles) are carried out over an extended period of time (one year and if necessary more) in the project area. Using the existing species, the regulations of special species protection (§ 44 BNatSchG – Federal Nature Conservation Act) can be extensively taken into consideration. The results are prepared according to recognised procedures and locally applicable valuation keys.
Biotope mappings comprise the project area in a defined radius around the concrete site of the planned measure (investment). 
The current state of the local flora is documented with a focus on capturing potentially present protected parts of nature and landscape (according to § 20 et seqq. BNatSchG).
If the site of a project is located within a forest area, gathering of applicable forest functions including requesting and creating a potentially necessary forest transformation takes place.
The representation of present prior loads supplements the mappings.

Examinations of the FFH compatibility may become necessary if sites of community importance (FFH sites) or a European bird sanctuary (SPA site) are affected by the project (Natura 2000 areas). This may also be the case if such areas are located in the project vicinity.

As part of such an examination, evaluation of potential impacts of the project on the protected habitats or species is done to assess whether these may be endangered.

It must be ensured that the necessary development measures for achievement and conservation of the Natura 2000 area are not hindered.

The protection of humans is viewed in close relation to the protection of cultural assets and material goods as well as the protection of the landscape.


Direct impacts on humans are the concerns of immission control (sound immission and shadow flicker).Here, an objective assessment on the basis of site-related reports is possible. With regards to the presence of cultural assets and material goods that are worth protecting, one may refer to, for instance, information of the local responsible monument protection authority.

Especially for projects using wind power, the landscape is subject to great impact. In particular, the recreational value of a landscape, which is directly linked to humans, is dependent on both the landscape itself as well as the subjective experience of the people.
As part of a visibility study in connection with a project regarding the construction of wind turbines, an attempt is made to objectify the evaluation of the project influence.
The term visibility visibility in such an examination involves areas of the surroundings from which potentially present and new planned wind turbines can be visually perceived from the location of the observer.
With the help of special software using suitable models of orography, development and vegetation, one can determine from which locations a project is visible.
A calculation of the current status and another calculation while taking into account the planned measure allow conclusions to be drawn about the alteration of the visible areas as a result of the realization of a project.

The adjacent images show the impact of a new planned wind farm on the areas in a site surrounding from which wind turbines are visible before and after project realization.
We gladly examine the visibility of your project in the surroundings.
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With the help of a visualisation of the project, an objective basis can be created. This forms an important tool for realistically depicting the influence of the project on prior selected visual axes.
The foundation for this is based on photos from the direction of selected visual axes toward the project site. The visual axes should lie in such areas from which the project may be visible.
As a tool, we use the module Visual of the software WindPRO in its current version.
With regards to evaluation of the impact of for instance wind turbines on the landscape, subjective components can usually not be excluded. There will always be different opinions of the individual observers. On the basis of a performed visualisation from different visual axes, however, it is possible to contribute to an objectification of the evaluation basis. The observer is able to see a direct before < > after comparison.
We also gladly create a visualisation for your project
The landscape conservation plan (LBP) depicts the impacts of the project on nature and landscape based on an analysis of the current status. It serves as a special plan for implementation of the technical impact regulation of nature conservation of § 15 BNatSchG.
We create the LBP for your project with the following minimum contents:
  • Capturing of the current status of protected goods in the project area
  • Determination of the construction-related, site-related and operation-related impacts of the project (conflict analysis)
  • Development of avoidance, mitigation, compensatory and replacement measures
  • Accounting of the procedure and its compensation
We settle all issues of material securing in the context of measures from the LBP for your project. For projects in forests, we settle all issues regarding a potentially necessary forest transformation. Special action recommendations, advice and regulations of individual states are certainly also taken into consideration.

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